Exploring the Stars, Canadian Science and Technology Historical Association, November 3rd, 2017

The skies were mostly clear for 3 visitors from the Canadian Science and Technology Historical Association for Exploring the Stars at Western University’s Cronyn Observatory, Friday, November 3rd, 2017, 10:00 p.m. (This was following the earlier group from Knox Presbyterian Church Youth Group, scheduled, 7:00—9:00 p.m.)

The 3 visitors from the Canadian Science and Technology Historical Association were greeted by graduate student Viraja Khatu and RASC London Centre members Dale Armstrong, Everett Clark and Bob Duff. Viraja presented the digital slide presentation “Telescopes” and fielded questions. This was followed by a tour of the dome, with Dale giving a talk on the history of the Cronyn Observatory and the technical development of telescopes, as well as the Perkin-Elmer company that made the big 25.4cm refractor. Dale also explained the Cassegrain Reflector telescope and Schmidt Camera piggy-backed on the 25.4cm refractor and the Standard and Sidereal Time clocks on the east wall of the dome. Everett showed them the full Moon (Full Moon was on November 4th, 1:23 a.m.) through the 25.4cm refractor, using the Meade 28mm Super Wide Angle eyepiece (157X) and then the 52mm Erfle (84X) eyepiece.

The visitors were also given an informal tour of the historic “1940s Period Room” and “1967 Period Room,” with Dale and the others answering questions. (Both “Period Rooms” were designed by RASC London Centre member Mark Tovey.) The group was gone by around 11:15 p.m. after expressing their appreciation for a historic tour of the Cronyn Observatory and the opportunity to view the Moon though the 25.4cm refractor in the dome.