Pocket Sky-Atlas Challenges for April

The April Sky

It’s April, and astronomers have visions of galaxy clusters dancing in their heads. Now is the time to get your binocular or telescope rig sorted out for the next few months of viewing. Try to get your eyepieces, battery packs and other assorted bits assembled into a unified kit that is ready to go with observing with your telescope at a moment’s notice. Nights can still be chilling so pack some spare clothes if you are venturing away from home base.


Don’t forget the sky charts and lists you’ve compiled of objects you want to see. Many months’ cold and snow have dulled out enthusiasm for the night sky, but now the excuses don’t seem so valid. Warmer spring breezes push us back to places of wonder in the night sky. Prepare your equipment, find your charts and guides, get ready to taste the night sky again.


April is also the biggest outreach month amateur astronomy has during the year. Make sure you share your love of the night sky with others. Sharing and explaining how you do astronomy makes you think about what you are doing; in return, makes you better at what you do.


I’ve indexed the object to its star chart page.

Naked Eye


Regulus, Algieba, Adhafera and Rasalas, Page 35
Nekkar, Edasich and Thuban, Page 42.

Larger Scopes


NGC 3193 and NGC 3190, Page 35
NGC 4144 and NGC 4203, Page 43.
NGC 6207 page 52.
UGC 10822 page 52.

Small Scopes and Binoculars


Tania Australis and Tania Borealis, page 33.
14 LMi and 15 LMi, page 33.
M13 page 52.
Alphecca page 53.


Bonus Objects


IC 2574 Page 31.
NGC 4889 Pages 32, 43.
NGC 3184 Page 33 (good photo op!).
NGC 188 Page 41.


Happy Hunting!

Published with permission of John Kulczycki, 2012 all rights reserved.

About the Author

I’ve been a freelance writer for more than 20 years, but I’ve been an amateur astronomer for longer than that. Astronomy is the one science that everyone can try and make significant contributions. All you need to do is take the first step and go outside to enjoy then night sky.

I’ll see you there!