Brescia College Frosh Tour, Cronyn Observatory, September 3rd, 2012

Clear skies greeted 7 frosh students from Brescia University College at the Cronyn Observatory, Monday, September 3rd, 11:00 p.m. They were joined by 3 more Brescia frosh students for a total of 10 visitors by the end of the evening, 12 midnight.

Graduate students Allison Hill and Emily McCullough and undergraduate student Neil Bhatt hosted the event, with Emily making a brief presentation about the big 25.4cm refractor in the dome and Allison showing visitors the waning 3-day-past-full Moon, in the big refractor, using the 28mm Meade Super Wide Angle (157X) eyepiece.

RASC London Centre members Everett Clark and Bob Duff set up and the London Centre’s 25.4cm Dobsonian the Observatory’s (8-inch) Meade LX-3 Schmidt-Cassegrain telescopes on the roof patio outside the dome. They were joined by Peter Jedicke and both telescopes were directed towards the Moon. The 26mm Plossl (77X) in the Schmidt-Cassegrain and the 17mm Nagler (67X) in the Dobsonian seemed to work best on the Moon. The Observatory was closed down after the last visitor left at 12 midnight, after an enjoyable evening of astronomy discussion and observing the Moon.

Bob Duff
Higher Education Liaison
RASC London Centre